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Minecraft 基岩版 Beta 发布

114 2021-01-21 14:29:06 文章分类: 新闻资讯




Minecraft基岩版 仍未发布,为其第6个测试版。

原贴:https://www.mcbbs.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1155649 作者:帅大2004



  1. Added pointed dripstone blocks
  2. 添加了滴水石锥
  3. These can be found in the creative inventory for now
  4. 你可以在创造模式物品栏中找到滴水石锥
  5. A pointed dripstone block can be placed in the ceiling and on the floor, creating stalactites and stalagmites
  6. 滴水石锥可以在其上方生成石笋或者在其下方生成钟乳石
  7. Falling on a stalagmite causes increased fall damage
  8. 摔落在石笋上会受到更多的摔落伤害
  9. Breaking the ceiling above a stalactite causes it to fall towards the ground and will cause damage on impact with entities
  10. 破坏钟乳石上方的方块会导致钟乳石坠向地面,并会对其下方的实体造成伤害
  11. Stalactites have a dripping water and lava animation
  12. 钟乳石现在有一个滴水或者滴岩浆的动画

Known issues:


  1. When hanging Pointed Dripstones start falling their position is slightly offset
  2. 钟乳石开始坠落的位置会稍微偏移
  3. Sneaking while placing tips of opposing stalactites and stalagmites merges them
  4. 潜行时放置相对的钟乳石和石笋仍会把它们连接在一起
  5. Placed pointed dripstone can be destroyed by lava on Bedrock
  6. 已放置在基岩上的滴水石锥会被岩浆破坏
  7. If player is killed by stalactite or stalagmite fall damage, custom death message is not displayed
  8. 玩家被钟乳石砸死或摔死在石笋上的死亡消息不会显示
  9. Pointed dripstone item is rendered differently in-hand on Bedrock compared to Java Edition
  10. 滴水石锥物品拿在手上时的渲染方式与Java版的渲染方式不同
  11. Placing pointed dripstones in water results in the water being removed
  12. 把滴水石锥放在水中时,滴水石锥会把水顶掉而不是含水
  13. Player receives 2 points of damage when jumping on a stalagmite
  14. 玩家在石笋上跳跃时会受到两点伤害
Sculk Sensor


  1. Introducing the bizarre, tendril-filled world of sculk – prepare for sculk sensors to creep you out with their unique ability to detect nearby vibrations
  2. 欢迎来到古怪、满是奇异植物的潜声世界——准备使用潜声传感器那独特的能力,来探测你周围的声音吧
  3. A vibration is anything that causes physical motion; if you are careful, there are some motions that are undetectable to sensors by sneaking. There are still quite a few of these events missing though - stay tuned!
  4. 任何引起物理运动的东西都会发出声音;但你潜行时的某些运动发出的声音是传感器无法探测到的。仍有相当多的探测功能还未完成-请继续关注!
  5. These sneak-friendly vibrations currently include walking, falling to the ground
  6. 潜行时不会被探测到的声音包括行走和落地
  7. The current list of vibration events are as follows: (more will be added in future updates)
  8. 目前可被潜声传感器探测到的声音如下:(未来还会加入更多)
  9. Step
  10. 脚步声
  11. Swim
  12. 游泳声
  13. Block Place
  14. 放置方块声
  15. Block Destroy
  16. 摧毁方块声
  17. Elytra Free Fall
  18. 鞘翅飞行落地声
  19. Hit Ground
  20. 落地声
  21. Splash
  22. 落水声
  23. Projectile Shoot
  24. 弹射物射出声
  25. Sculk sensors will not listen to vibrations that are directly created by other sculk sources
  26. 潜声传感器不会探测其它潜声传感器直接发出的声音
  27. When a vibration is detected, a signal is sent from the source location to the sensor at a speed of 1 game tick per block
  28. 潜声传感器检测到周围发出声音时,音源方块就会给传感器一个信号,这个信号的传导速度是1方块每秒
  29. Other vibrations cannot be detected by a sensor when a signal is already traveling to it
  30. 当一个信号正在传往潜声传感器时,这个潜声传感器就不会检测新的声音
  31. When the signal has arrived, the sensor will be activated for 40 game ticks (approximately 2 seconds)
  32. 信号到达潜声传感器后,潜声传感器就会被激活,发出红石信号,长度40gt(约2s)
  33. While activated, the sensor cannot detect other vibrations
  34. 潜声传感器被激活时同样不能检测其它声音
  35. Sculk sensors can detect vibrations in an 8-block radius around it
  36. 潜声传感器检测范围是半径8个方块

Known issues:


  1. Sculk sensors cannot be waterlogged
  2. 潜声传感器不能含水
  3. Wool occlusion is not yet added to the blocks’ functionality. This will be added in a later beta
  4. 羊毛暂时还不能阻挡声音,将会在后续的测试版中添加

Bug Fixes




  1. Fixed Pork Chop achievement and trophy being unlocked by raw porkchop (MCPE-95446)
  2. 修复了“猪排”成就和奖杯可以通过吃生猪排解锁的问题
  3. Fixed a bug where foxes wouldn't knock off and eat sweet berries (MCPE-70790)
  4. 修复了狐狸不能停下来吃浆果的问题
  5. Clicking "Download Template" when missing required templates of an existing world now correctly downloads the required templates
  6. 缺少现有世界的世界模板时,点击“下载世界模板”便可下载需要的世界模板
  7. Fixed bug that allowed players to place custom spawn eggs by default in Adventure mode
  8. 修复了冒险模式的玩家可以放置自定义生成蛋的问题



  1. The '/setblock' command now supports setting the connected state for the soul_lantern block (MCPE-89609)
  2. “/setblock”命令现在支持设置灵魂灯笼的连接状态
  3. The '/setblock' command now supports setting the rotation state for the chain block (MCPE-105912)
  4. “/setblock”命令现在支持设置锁链方块的旋转状态
  5. 'SetBlock' and 'SetBlockAtPos' events now support custom block states
  6. “SetBlock”和“SetBlockAtPos”事件现在支持使用自定义方块状态



  1. Fix for certain Marketplace worlds having incorrect block data when played on Realms and multiplayer between mobile and PC
  2. 修复了市场中特定的世界在手机和电脑之间互相加入领域或多人游戏时发生的方块数据错误的问题

World Generation


  1. Mcstructure files saved with entities no longer crash game when loaded into the world (MCPE-63387)
  2. 保存有实体的.mcstructure文件加载进世界时不再导致游戏崩溃

Technical Changes


  1. A boolean parameter called "ignore_game_mode" is added for the block event response "decrement_stack", set to false by default. Thus "decrement_stack" no longer decreases the item stack when playing in Creative by default
  2. 向方块事件响应"decrement_stack"加入了一个布尔参数"ignore_game_mode",默认false。这样"decrement_stack"就不会在创造模式下默认减少物品堆叠

Other Known Issues in this Beta:


  1. A crash may occur when suspending and resuming the game on Android
  2. 在安卓手机上暂停再继续游戏时可能会发生崩溃
  3. The patch notes screen may contain an invalid link to the Marketplace
  4. 加载提示界面可能包含一些指向市场的无效链接





安卓Google Play:https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mojang.minecraftpe

Win10 Store:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/store/p/xbox-insider-hub/9nblggh68vsk
