Minecraft Java 版 1.18.1-pre1 发布
Minecraft 1.18.1 Pre-Release 1
Minecraft 1.18.1 预发布版 1
A Minecraft Java Pre-Release
Minecraft Java版 预发布版
We're now releasing the first pre-release for Minecraft 1.18.1. This will be a fairly small release that will fix a few stability issues and a few bugs. We aim to release this version at the end of next week.
1.18.1 的第一个预发布版发布啦。这是个小更新,只会修几个稳定性问题和其他漏洞。我们计划下周底发布这个版本。
Happy mining!
Technical changes in 1.18.1 Pre-release 1
1.18.1 预发布版 1 的技术性修改
Fixed an issue that would cause players on low-bandwidth connections to get timeout errors when connecting to a server
World fog now starts further away from the player, to make distant terrain more visible
Instead of applying fog as a spherical volume it is now applied as a cylindrical volume
Fixed bugs in 1.18.1 Pre-release 1
1.18.1 预发布版 1 修复的漏洞
MC-219507 - Beacon’s power reverts back to previous one on world reload
MC-219507 - 在区块边界上建造的信标金字塔的效果信息不会被正确保存
MC-242729 - Observer activating without any updates nearby, caused by /clone
MC-242729 - /clone 命令导致侦测器在附近没有任何方块更新时被激活
MC-243216 - Chunk render distance on servers seems shorter than in 1.17.1
MC-243216 - 服务器上的区块渲染距离似乎比 1.17.1 更短