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Minecraft Java版 21w17a 发布

92 2021-04-29 17:54:02 文章分类: 新闻资讯

Minecraft Snapshot 21w17a

Minecraft 快照 21w17a

A Minecraft Java Snapshot

Minecraft Java版快照

A delicious snapshot appears! This snapshot introduces some tweaks to the raw ore textures, a few copper changes, and the introduction of noodle caves in the Caves & Cliffs Preview datapack.


If you have any feedback, a penne for your thoughts…


Changes in 21w17a

21w17a 中的修改

Small Dripleaves can now also be placed on Moss Blocks


Copper Ore drops 2-3 raw Copper when mined, or more when using a tool enchanted with Fortune

开采铜矿石时会掉落 2-3 个粗铜,如果用的是附有时运魔咒的工具则会掉落更多

Copper Blocks are now crafted from 9 Copper Ingots

现在铜块需要用 9 个铜锭合成

Tweaked the texture of raw Metal blocks


New raw ore textures in snapshot 21w17a. Click here for a link to the full resolution image.

21w17a 中的新粗矿材质。点此查看完整图片。


Changes to the Caves & Cliffs Preview


Download the updated datapack here .


Noodles caves in snapshot 21w17a. Click here for a link to the full resolution image.

21w17a 中的“面条洞穴”。点此查看完整图片。


Large Ore Veins have been tweaked


Added noodle caves – thinner, squigglier, and more claustrophobic variant of spaghetti caves


Large Ore Veins


Ore veins are now slightly rarer and slightly smaller (but they are still large!)


The ores in the vein are clumpier and less evenly distributed


If you are lucky you may find a raw ore block in the vein


Fixed bugs in 21w17a

21w17a 中修复的 Bug

SPX 大数据区块链深度学习人工智能响应式自动翻译™ 由以下志愿者提供支持:Dianliang233、ETStareak、Halcyon、Light Beacon、Lxazl5770、Ricolove、SPGoding、WuGuangYao、ff98sha、lakejason0、xuan_su、zyjking

MC-170443 - Banner copying recipe ignores existence of other items in crafting grid

MC-170443 - 复制旗帜的配方会忽略合成格内的其他物品

MC-187664 - World border uses float to determine its size, making some border sizes inaccessible, and cannot be set to 30 million or beyond

MC-187664 - 世界边界使用浮点数决定其大小,使得其大小无法被设置为某些值,且无法设置为3千万及以上

MC-201269 - Constantly teleporting player to a phantom crashes the game/kicks the player

MC-201269 - 不停将玩家传送到幻翼的位置会导致游戏崩溃或玩家被踢出

MC-203570 - Candles aren’t grouped in the recipe book

MC-203570 - 配方书内的蜡烛不会集合成一组

MC-203745 - Repeated teleport between dimensions causes the entity to duplicate on the client

MC-203745 - 在维度之间重复传送实体可以使其在客户端里被克隆

MC-204031 - Waxed Cut Copper (any level of weathered) have two separate recipes in the recipe book

MC-204031 - 配方书内(任意锈蚀程度)的涂蜡切制铜块被分为两个配方

MC-214187 - Void platform generates multiple times

MC-214187 - 虚空预设的平台被多次生成

MC-214735 - Horse disappears when dying while riding it and reloading the world while it’s unloaded

MC-214735 - 当骑乘在马上死亡且死亡后马没有被加载时,重新加载世界马会消失

MC-214838 - Big dripleaf stem remains after breaking a stem or leaf above it

MC-214838 - 大型垂滴叶茎在破坏其上方的茎或叶之后仍会保持原状

MC-214865 - Floating islands world type generates extreme terrain

MC-214865 - 浮岛世界类型会生成出极端地形

MC-219155 - Fishing line only starts on half distance between the fishing rod and bobber (Apple M1 only)

MC-219155 - 抛出的钓线与钓鱼竿分离

MC-219840 - You cannot unlock the recipe for Mossy Stone Bricks

MC-219840 - 无法解锁配方书内的苔石砖

MC-219842 - Recipes for mossy cobblestone and mossy stone bricks aren’t grouped

MC-219842 - 配方书内的苔石和苔石砖不会集合成一组

MC-220033 - (Parity issue) Hanging Roots can’t be waterlogged

MC-220033 - (待同步特性)垂根不能含水

MC-221560 - Copper/Coal Ore in Deepslate Patches aren’t Deepslate Ores

MC-221560 - 生成于深板岩堆里面的铜矿石/煤矿石并非深层变种

MC-222008 - Empty/missing template pool error grammar mistake

MC-222008 - 模板池(template pool)为空或不存在时显示的错误信息中有语法错误

MC-222520 - Raw and Ore smelting previews aren’t grouped together

MC-222520 - 生金属和矿石烧炼配方不会集合成一组

MC-223055 - Amethyst buds and cluster have an unused blockstate

MC-223055 - 紫晶芽和紫水晶簇有未使用的方块状态

MC-223792 - Shrinking world border with center past x/z 29999983 crashes the game

MC-223792 - 收缩边界中心位于x/z=2999983以外的世界边界会导致游戏崩溃
