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Minecraft Java版 21w03a 发布

144 2021-01-21 14:26:10 文章分类: 新闻资讯

每周快照是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。


Minecraft 1.17 仍未发布,21w03a 为其第 6 个预览版。

原作者:dwch 地址:https://www.mcbbs.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1155619


Minecraft Snapshot 21w03a

Minecraft 快照 21w03a

A Minecraft Java Snapshot

Minecraft Java版快照

Today's Caves & Cliffs snapshot is particularly shiny! You could almost say it's glowing... Oh wait, that's a squid.


New Features in 21w03a

21w03a 中的新特性

  1. Added glow lichen!
  2. 添加了荧光地衣!(暂译)
  3. Added glow squid!
  4. 添加了荧光鱿鱼!(暂译)

Glow Lichen


  1. A dim light source that generates in caves.
  2. 洞穴中生成的昏暗光源。
  3. Use shears to pick it up.
  4. 可用剪刀采集。
  5. Use bonemeal to spread it along block surfaces.
  6. 骨粉可以催发它沿方块表面蔓延。

Glow Squid


Glow squids have been added, but do not yet spawn naturally. You can find spawn eggs for them in the creative inventory.


  1. Glow Squids are well-lit and can be seen from even far distances!
  2. 荧光鱿鱼真的很亮,离得很远也能看到!
  3. When killed, glow squids drop glow ink sacs.
  4. 死后掉落荧光墨囊。(暂译)
  5. Glow ink sacs can be used on signs to make the text super visible, even at night! Works with colors!
  6. 对告示牌使用荧光墨囊能让上边的文字变得超级显眼,摸黑都能看见!上了色的文字甚至都可以!
  7. Craft a glow item frame by combining a glow ink sac with an item frame in a crafting table. Any item in a glow item frame is perfectly illuminated, even at night!
  8. 荧光墨囊与物品展示框可以合成出荧光物品框,荧光物品框中的物品会亮瞎你的眼睛,即使是在晚上!
  9. Use an Ink Sac on a sign to remove the glow effect.
  10. 对告示牌使用普通墨囊可以移除荧光的效果。
  11. Axolotls will attack any glow squids they see, so…be careful.
  12. 蝾螈(暂译)会攻击所有它们视野范围内的荧光鱿鱼,所以……小心点。

Changes in 21w03a

21w03a 中的修改

  1. Dripstone blocks can be crafted from 4 pointed dripstone.
  2. 滴水石块现在可用 4 滴水石锥合成。

Fixed bugs in 21w03a

21w03a 中修复的漏洞

  1. MC-9568 - Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
  2. MC-9568 - 当生物在固体方块周围长大时窒息/穿过方块
  3. MC-89880 - Spawner with weight 0 crashes game
  4. MC-89880 - weight 为 0 的刷怪笼引起崩溃
  5. MC-91522 - Shulker rendering position desync and generates ghost shulker when destroying shulker-ridden boat or minecart
  6. MC-91522 - 摧毁潜影贝乘着的矿车或船时潜影贝渲染位置不同步、生成幽灵潜影贝
  7. MC-92349 - Players can’t tempt animals with food while other players are closer to the animal
  8. MC-92349 - 当有其他玩家更接近某动物时,拿着食物的玩家不能引诱该动物
  9. MC-92867 - Setting Json text value to null throws exceptions and crashes
  10. MC-92867 - 将 Json 文本值设置为 null 抛出异常、引起崩溃
  11. MC-105344 - Shulkers in boats and minecarts do not sit up if previousely attached to blocks sideways
  12. MC-105344 - 如果之前连接到横向方块,船或矿车里的潜影贝无法坐起来
  13. MC-108717 - Shulkers can’t be pushed back
  14. MC-108717 - 潜影贝不能被推回
  15. MC-111196 - Using a monster spawner to spawn shulkers spawns white shulkers
  16. MC-111196 - 用刷怪笼生成潜影贝生成出白色潜影贝
  17. MC-113177 - Shulkers cannot be pushed inside non-solid blocks
  18. MC-113177 - 潜影贝无法被推进非固体方块
  19. MC-119051 - Random transparent line in shulker box GUI texture
  20. MC-119051 - 潜影盒界面贴图随机出现透明线条
  21. MC-121897 - Gaps in an animation’s used frames throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  22. MC-121897 - 动画使用的帧中的间隙抛出 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  23. MC-139265 - Shulkers do not teleport correctly when going through a portal
  24. MC-139265 - 穿过传送门时潜影贝传送不正确
  25. MC-161334 - Shulker boxes cannot be opened if next to a shulker mob
  26. MC-161334 - 潜影盒紧贴潜影贝时无法打开
  27. MC-168900 - Shulkers teleport with original dimension coordinates after passing through portals
  28. MC-168900 - 穿过传送门的潜影贝传送时仍使用原先维度的坐标参数
  29. MC-183884 - Shulkers are afraid of being next to another shulker
  30. MC-183884 - 潜影贝害怕与其他潜影贝贴贴
  31. MC-186172 - Shulkers open into blocks when unable to teleport
  32. MC-186172 - 潜影贝无法传送时打开成方块
  33. MC-190677 - Shulkers aren’t aligned to the grid for a split second after being spawned in
  34. MC-190677 - 潜影贝生成后的瞬间不对准方块网格
  35. MC-200195 - Boats don’t try dismounting you on land
  36. MC-200195 - 地上的船不让你下
  37. MC-202202 - Server is unable to prevent a player from dismounting a vehicle, causing a desync
  38. MC-202202 - 服务端无法阻止玩家脱离载具,造成不同步
  39. MC-203373 - Shulker bullet subtitles are not capitalized correctly
  40. MC-203373 - 潜影贝子弹的字幕大小写不正确
  41. MC-203571 - Right-clicking an empty bundle sometimes plays hand animation
  42. MC-203571 - 右键点击空收纳袋有时会播放手部动画
  43. MC-204337 - Bundle use stat never increases
  44. MC-204337 - 收纳袋使用的统计数字永不增加
  45. MC-205076 - Game mode selection is ordered differently
  46. MC-205076 - 游戏模式选择排序问题
  47. MC-206118 - “type” in loot table number providers is not optional anymore
  48. MC-206118 - 掠夺表数字提供器中的“ type ” 不再是可选的了
  49. MC-206510 - Game crashes when trying to shift-click a chest into the inventory of a donkey whose chest is being removed
  50. MC-206510 - 试图 shift+点击打开驴身上的箱子时箱子被移除造成游戏崩溃
  51. MC-206550 - block.pointed_dripstone.drip_ [liquid/cauldron] has no subtitles
  52. MC-206550 - block.pointed_dripstone.drip_ [liquid/cauldron] 没有字幕
  53. MC-206599 - Pointed dripstone can be placed atop each other, even if a player would be inside the hitbox of the lower dripstone
  54. MC-206599 - 滴水石锥可在彼此顶部放置,即使玩家将处于最底部石锥碰撞箱内(20w49a尝试修复 但似乎失败了)
  55. MC-206923 - Dripstone subtitles are not capitalized properly
  56. MC-206923 - 滴水石锥字幕大小写问题
  57. MC-207250 - Dripstone caves biome name is not properly capitalized
  58. MC-207250 - 滴水洞穴生物群系名称大小写问题
  59. MC-207254 - Dripstone caves generate merging dripstones in impossible ways
  60. MC-207254 - 滴水洞穴生成以不可能的方式合并滴水石锥
  61. MC-207293 - Dripstone generated in dripstone caves can replace lava sources which looks weird
  62. MC-207293 - 滴水洞穴中生成的滴水石锥可以以相当疯狂的方式替代掉熔岩源
  63. MC-207335 - Mobs cannot spawn in Dripstone Caves
  64. MC-207335 - 生物无法在滴水洞穴中生成
  65. MC-207388 - Issues with chunk rendering when height limit is large
  66. MC-207388 - 当高度限制很大时区块的渲染问题
  67. MC-207900 - Summoning 'dust' or 'dust_color_transition' particles kicks nearby players when on a server
  68. MC-207900 - 在服务端生成 “ dust ” 或 “ dust_color_transition ” 粒子会把周围的玩家踢掉
  69. MC-208336 - ‘player’ sub-predicate of ‘entity_properties’ predicate only passes if game mode is specified
  70. MC-208336 - ‘entity_properties’ 谓词的 ‘player’ 子谓词仅当游戏模式选定时传递
  71. MC-208611 - Shulkerboxes/bundles duplicate items when destroyed by two fire blocks simultaneously
  72. MC-208611 - 潜影盒和收纳袋同时被两个火焰方块摧毁时复制其内容物
  73. MC-208666 - Shulker boxes and bundles drop their items twice when thrown into a lava cauldron
  74. MC-208666 - 潜影盒和收纳袋在丢入熔岩炼药锅时会掉出内容物两次

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