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我的世界Kibble Patcher Mod

140 2021-02-18 17:13:34 文章分类: MOD

KibbleLands Spigot patcher 提供更好的服务器性能和字节码优化



我们的目标是提供一个可以稳定并安全的运行在任何服务端 jar 代码。

我们也致力于在打过补丁后,所有 Spigot 插件均可以正常的运作,如同没有打过补丁一样。

旧版插件的兼容性和转换(Plugin Retro Compatibility and conservation)

Make old abandoned plugins work on latest for plugin preservation without additional modifications.

(Sometimes can help recent plugins if they are not yet compatible with the latest version of Minecraft)

This can be useful if you want to old abandoned plugins work again on you the latestserver version, allowing you to experience a near identical behaviour as you would ifyou were to go back in time.


The main gain of performance from KibblePatcher is the redirect mathcalls of sin, cos, and tan of plugins to the Minecraftimplementation to improve plugins performance


此 Patcher 支持 Bukkit 系服务端,不支持 Bukkit 和 Forge 混合服务端。

官方提及兼容 Spigot 服务端和 Yatopia 服务端,理论上中间那一堆 fork 版本都可以兼容(Paper,Tuinity,Purpur)

1、下载最新版 KibblePatcher.jar。

2、运行命令 java -jar KibblePatcher.jar 当前服务端文件名.jar 已打补丁的服务端文件名.jar


 下载地址 提取码:bd6t

支持的MC版本:1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1 1.16 

安卓 ios windows10
