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我的世界Oh The Biomes You'll Go

451 2020-07-02 16:12:07 文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod

我的世界Oh The Biomes You'll Go加入了许多生物群落及各种资源。去超过70个神奇、逼真和令人惊叹的生物群系吧!

Biomes You Go(简写)是一个探险类的模组,给你们一个独特、有趣、包含挑战和障碍的体验。



This happens because of the use of a program called MCreator in 1.12. We can't do anything about this without rewriting the mod and that most likely won't occur as we do not support 1.12. I am closing this as this version is unsupported. Sorry :/

翻译:由于1.12版本使用了MCreator导致了这个问题,我们无法修复,只能重新编码,并且由于我们不再支持1.12版本,这个问题八成不会再发生。此问题将会被关闭。抱歉 :/

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支持的MC版本:1.15.2 1.14.4 1.12.2 1.11.2 1.10.2

安卓 ios windows10
