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我的世界Server Tick Mod

185 2021-06-18 17:21:23 文章分类: MOD


Minecraft mod makes the TPS graph in the F3 Debug screen work on

servers in the same way as in singleplayer. The mod must be installed

both on the server and on the client for it to work, however no problems

will occur if this is not the case (Client without the mod can connect

to servers which have and vice-versa).

Server Tick Mod 使 F3 调试屏幕中的 TPS 图 能以单人游戏的方式在服务器上工作。该模组必须同时安装在服务器和客户端上才能正常工作,但如果不是这种情况,也不会出现问题(没有模组的客户端可以连接到具有该模组的服务器,反之亦然)。

By default, only players that are op will see the graph

(configurable). (This restriction is not in place on LAN games, everyone

can see it there.)

默认情况下,只有有op权限的玩家才能看到图表(可配置)。 (局域网游戏没有这个限制,大家都可以看到。)

需要 Fabric API。

 下载地址 提取码:zecz

支持的MC版本: 1.17 1.16.5 1.16.4 1.16.3 1.16.2 1.16.1

安卓 ios windows10
