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我的世界物理声效(Sound Physics)Mod

1381 2020-09-01 09:32:23 文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod

Sound Physics是一个重铸minecraft声音引擎的模组,以达到模拟回声、声音遮挡/吸收和声音的物理衰减。它可以提供有趣的听觉指示,例如你闭上眼睛就能判断一个生物是否能直接看到,或是在一个拐角处。探索洞穴时更具沉浸感,空洞的回声让大型建筑和大型建筑或大型地下峡谷更有规模感。

动态环境(Dynamic Surroundings)兼容性出色,各种新声效会受Sound Physics控制从而提供更沉浸的游戏体验。

该模组的作者SonicEther正是著名光影包SEUS系列的作者。目前Sound Physics早已弃坑,但其各方面的表现仍然远超同类声效强化模组。

注:与 音效过滤 (Sound Filters) 同时安装会有不知名错误导致无法进入存档。


Sound Physics is a mod that overhauls Minecraft's sound engine to simulate reverberation, sound occlusion/absorption, and physically based sound attenuation. The sound simulation provides interesting aural cues; you'll be able to tell whether a mob can be directly seen and whether it's just around the corner or in a closed-off area with your eyes closed. Exploring caves is much more immersive, and reverberation provides a sense of scale to grand structures or large underground ravines.

 Minecraft Forum

支持的MC版本: 1.12.2 1.12.1 1.12 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2

安卓 ios windows10
