我的世界[UE]通用电力(Universal Electricity)Mod
通用电力(以下简称UE)是一个通用的编程框架,向 MC 中引入了电力。所有使用 UE API 的 mod 都有能力互相兼容。如果你是 mod
作者,并且在寻找一个简单实用的 API 来允许你的 mod 有一个万能的能量来源,那么你就找对了!
Universal Electricity is a modular coding framework that allows the use of electricity in Minecraft. Mods which uses the Universal Electricity API have the ability to communicate and be compatible with each other. Above on the navigation bar are some Minecraft mods that uses the Universal Electricity API. If you are a modder and looking for a simple and modular API to use to allow your mod to be powered by a universal power source, then you have came to the right place! If you are just an average player, well we've got mods for you to play with!
(以下内容为翻译内容,提供原文作中英文对照,原文来自 UE 官网)
现在使用此 API 的大型 Mod:
ICBM---洲际导弹 Mod
Open Computers---开放式电脑
Modular Powersuits---模块化装甲
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