The Alchemy mod was based off an app called little alchemy because it is addicting and I thought it would be perfect for minecraft. This is brand new and I am new to coding/modding so if you have any modding experience i would like to hear from you and also if you would like something in the mod comment and ill check it out also report all bugs it would help so much. If you like the mod please donate to my Paypal: [email protected] donaters are allowed to request and receive a item/Block in my mod as long as it is reasonable. Thanks Everyone!
Announcement: I will be making basic mods for people who would like to pay $10 USD just email me [email protected] and we will discuss the information.
NOTICE: Ore generation is not working so I have to recode the mod it should only take a day or two to fix so please bare with me. Thank you.
Recipes added: Version 1.0
Note: Water, Fire, Earth, Air are Elements.
If you have advanced modding experience email me at [email protected] Thanks!!