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Fake Ores²

186 2016-06-07 15:44:45 文章分类: MOD索引



Fake Ores²


This is a new mod will add fake ores in your Minecraft world. When you break a fake ore, an entity will spawn and attack you. All fake ores will drop item with chance to allow you to craft the Ores Boss spawner. A cup spawn when you kill the Ores Boss.


French version of this topic available at Minecraft Forge France.


Fake Ores²Fake Ores²Fake Ores²Fake Ores²


Fake Ores²

Fake Ores²

Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²


Fake Ores²


Fake Ores²


Fake Ores²
Fake Ores²
(You can find the Anti Ore Stone like you find ore)
Fake Ores²
I’m the mod author.If you want to share the mod, I have no problem with that, you can do everything ! Only send the official download link, since they’re the only links that are SAFE, and they do not have any ads on them.You can do a YouTube video, at the only condition of giving a link to this page in the description, and sharing it here, so I can see it.You can use the mod freely, and put it in every modpack you want. You just need to post the modpack name here, so I can see it, and you must give me credits, with a link to this page, in the place where you tell people the mods in your modpack. Also, people don’t lie about being this mod developper. It’s not good, and you won’t get anything from saying that.Minecraft is owned by MOJANG, and I do no take any credits for the game, only for the modification I made for it.





适用Minecraft 1.9


Fake Ores² V1.7

About the author


安卓 ios windows10
