龙骑士2 问答&配置文件翻译教程
# Configuration file
all {
# Dragons cannot spawn in these dimensions' IDs
I:"Blacklisted Dragon Dimensions" <
# Dragons can only spawn in these dimensions' IDs
I:"Whitelisted Dragon Dimensions" <
# true to use dimensional blacklist, false to use the whitelist. [default: true]
B:"use Dimension Blacklist"=true
clientdm2 {
# Max flight for dragons circling players on a whistle
D:"Max Flight Height"=20.0
# Zoom out for third person 2 while riding the the dragon and dragon carriages DO NOT EXXAGERATE IF YOU DONT WANT CORRUPTED WORLDS
D:"Third Person Zoom BACK"=20.0
# Wander From HomeDist
I:"Wander From HomeDist"=50
main {
# Allow or disallow breeding
B:"Allow Other Breeding"=true
# Disable or enable the dragon's ability to obey other players
B:"Allow Other Player's Control"=true
# Makes Dragons Tougher or Not
# Damage for dragon attack
#龙的基础生命值,默认90.0§ 注:一些品种的龙虽然有不同于其他品种的生命值,但它们的基础生命值仍受次项影响。
# Dragon Base Health§o Note: Some Dragons have unique health values and are still affected by this
D:"Dragon Base Health"=90.0
# Higher numbers slower regen for dragons
I:"Health Regen Speed"=75
# More numbers slower, i.e. gets a number from the factor of (3000) to 1 per tick (millisecond) if it equals to 1 reduce hunger, dont make it too low or might crash the game
I:"Hunger Speed"=6000
# Enables or Disables dragons ability to despawn, works only for adult non tamed dragons
B:"can dragons despawn"=true
# Enables changing of egg breeds via block or environment
B:"can eggs change breeds"=true
# refers to the ice breath for the dragon in water, set true if you want the ice block to be permanent. false otherwise.
B:"can ice breath be permanent"=false
# Debug mode. You need to restart Minecraft for the change to take effect. Unless you're a developer or are told to activate it, you don't want to set this to true.
# Disables right-click override on the vanilla dragon egg block. May help to fix issues with other mods.
B:"disable block override"=false
# refers to the fire breath to affect blocks
B:"fire breath affect blocks"=true
# Use a commanding player method(Experimental) to make dragons land on multiple players
B:"use CommandingPlayer"=false
worldgen {
# Enables spawning of nests in extreme hills
# Enables spawning of nether, zombie, and skeleton dragon nests in the nether
# Enables spawning of end dragon nests in end cities
# Determines how rare Forest Plains dragon nests will mainly spawn. I did this because the forest biome is too common thus making the forest breed to common. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Forest Nest Rarity"=220
# Determines how rare sunlight dragon temples will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Sunlight Nest Rarity"=60
# Determines how rare terra dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Terra Nest Rarity"=220
# Determines how rare moonlight or aether dragon temples will spawn above the ocean. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Ocean Nest Rarity"=8000
# Determines how rare forest jungnle dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Jungle Nest Rarity"=800
# Determines how rare water dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Water Nest Rarity"=180
# Determines how rare ice dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Ice Nest Rarity"=200
# Determines how rare fire dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Fire Nest Rarity"=150
# Determines how rare forest enchant dragon nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn), (Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Enchant Nest Rarity"=300
# Determines how rare nether nests will mainly spawn. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn)(Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"Nether Nest Chance"=200
# Determines how rare nether nests will spawn in the X Axis. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn)(Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"2 Nether Nest Rarity X"=16
# Determines how rare nether nests will spawn in the Z Axis. Higher numbers = higher rarity (in other words how many blocks for another nest to spawn)(Note: Expermiment on a new world when editing these numbers because it may cause damages to your own worlds)
I:"2 Nest Nether Rarity Z"=16