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253 2016-05-18 23:12:21 文章分类: 新闻资讯· 官方资讯




Do you have an awesome idea for a panel you’d like to present at MINECON in Anaheim, September 24-25? Or do you want to book a booth to show off your amazing Minecraft-inspired work? You should tell us right now! As always, we’re looking for a variety of speakers, topics and ideas to make MINECON the best event it can be. Previous panels have been about all kinds of things, from buildings maps, running servers and making mods to the art of animation, Minecraft music parodies and using Minecraft in the classroom. A great panel can be about anything as long as it is Minecraft-related and interesting to you and to MINECON’s attendees. To submit a panel you MUST record a video of yourself presenting your idea. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just make sure you explain, in 60 seconds or less, what your panel is about and why it will be awesome. This will help us get to know you and get a good idea of what your panel will be like. If you want to give it a go, head to the submission form here for more details. All selected panelists will get a free ticket to MINECON! Whoop! We also have tons of exhibitors every year, all of whom are inspired by Minecraft to make amazing stuff for our community. Some run YouTube networks loved by our players, others sell awesome Minecraft merchandise, publish books about the game or promote education using it. If you think you or your business would be a good fit, fill out this form and we’ll be in touch! Cheerio! Marsh – @marshdavies


(本文由下载站@Ben Skywalker和@Scallopchong翻译,未经允许禁止转载)




