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The Vanilla Enhancer Mod

525 2016-06-07 05:53:30 文章分类: MOD索引



The Idea

The idea of the Vanilla Enhancer Mod goes back to when me and grim were thinking of ideas to implement into Minecraft in order to make it overall a better game. We started with the boiled egg concept and then we went from there. As we progressed through our ideas we added more and more and so we named it the Enhancer Mod because it enhances the game and your experience.

The Features

The Vanilla Enhancer Mod contains many features going from foods, furnaces, tools, armor, mobs, and new ore. The mod will always be improving as people back it and leave feedback.


Diamond Furnace: Very fast furnace that allows the user to smelt things very quickly; crafted by surrounding a gold furnace with diamonds.
Gold Furnace: Very fast furnace that allows the user to smelt things very quickly but not as fast as the diamond furnace; crafted by surrounding an iron furnace with gold.
Emerald Furnace: Fast furnace that allows the user to smelth things quickly but not as fast as the gold furnace; crafted by surrounding an iron furnace with emeralds.
Redstone Furnace: Fast furnace that allows the user to smelt things with redstone and redstone blocks as the fuel; crafted by surrounding a iron furnace with redstone.
Lapis Furnace: Fast furnace that allows the user to smelt things with lapis blocks as the fuel; crafted by surrounding a iron furnace with lapis.
Iron Furnace: Faster than regular furnace that allows the user to smelt things; crafted by surrounding a normal furnace with iron.


The Goat: The goat can be found in extreme hills biome as well as the ice mountain biome. The goat can be tempted by salt and wheat. The goat has to be breed by wheat although. The goat tends to lick the salt ore and turn it back into stone so be careful with your ore around the goat. The goat can be milked to produce a bucket of milk which can be used for cheese or drinking. The goat drops cashmere wool and raw chevon which can be cooked and salted. The wool can be used for armor or it can be turned in to a wool block for crafting. All the recipes will be on Not Enough Items so we recommend that you download that as well if you dont have it already.
The Fish: The fish can be found in rivers, oceans, and beaches. The fish can be killed for raw fish.
The Clownfish: The clownfish can be found in oceans, and beaches. The clownfish can be killed for raw clownfish.
The Salmon: The salmon can be found in rivers, oceans, and beaches. The salmon can be killed for raw salmon.
The Pufferfish: The pufferfish can be found in oceans, and beaches. The pufferfish can be killed for pufferfish.


Adding salt to your meats will increase the saturation bars by one for every food you apply the salt to.
The sandwiches are there to add more ways of combining food.
Boiled eggs make use of eggs in the game add more uses to them than before.
Caramel apples are used for getting a sugar rush to help you mine.
Cantaloupe is a new crop that acts like a melon.


Salt ore is a ore that is very common and is used for salting foods and making blocks.
Moonstone ore is a ore that is a fairly common and is used for tools and armor.
Ebony ore is a ore that is common and is used for tools and armor.
Obsidian Shards Ore is a ore that is a fairly common ore that is found deeper in the world that can be used for tools and armor.
Electrum ore is a ore that is fairly rare and is found below y 14 in the world it can also be used for tools and armor.


Cashmere Wool armor is the worst armor in the game for the reason that you can make it easily and it is a wool material.
Obsidian armor is a fairly decent armor that doesn’t absorb much damage but it has good durability.
Moonstone armor is a good armor that is up there with iron in the ratings.
Ebony armor is a good armor that is slightly worse than Moonstone.
Electrum armor is the best armor in the mod that is on par with diamond armor.


Obsidian tools are fairly decent tools that have alot of durability.
Moonstone tools are about on par with iron tools.
Ebony tools are slightly less powerful than Moonstone tools.
Electrum tools are very fast and are pared up with diamond tools.


Salt is a essential item in the mod as it can be used to salt a variety of foods, lure the goat, and making blocks.
Cashmere Wool is a drop from the goat mob and can be made into armor or made into a wool block by 4 cashmere wool in a square.
Raw Chevon is a drop from the goat mob and can be cooked into Cooked Chevon.
Cooked Chevon is a product of smelting Raw Chevon and is worth the same satuation bars as Cooked Steak.
Obsidian shards are items which can be used for tools and armor it also can be used for making obsidian blocks.
Moonstone ingots are items which can be used for tools and armor.
Electrum ingots are items which can be used for tools and armor.
The knife is an item that acts as a tool in a way as it can be used to cut things like cheese and bread (It has 10 uses).
Cheese can be used to make grilled cheese by cutting it, it is made with a knife and a bucket of milk.
The glowstone torch is used for light and is an alternative to a regular torch but with a different look.


Electrum block that glows and can be used for decorating.
Moonstone block for building or other things.
Ebony block for building or other things.


All achievements can be found on the achievements page in game.

New Crafting

Saddles can be crafted now by first creating an Unfinished Saddle with leather and cashmere wool.
Moss stone can be crafted with cobblestone and vines.


To install the Vanilla Enhancer Mod you must do the following steps below:

    Make sure you have an up to date mod loader (I recommend forge mod loader)
    Install the mod from this page.
    Move the jar into your mods folder located here: C:/Users/YOURPCNAME/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/mods
    Launch Minecraft and enjoy your new mod!

The Authors

The Vanilla Enhancer Mod was developed by Sync aka SyncsWorld. Some of the textures for the Vanilla Enhancer Mod were created by Grim aka GrizzlySkin. We both are happy to present to you the Vanilla Enhancer Mod.

Mod Spotlight

If anyone would like to do a mod spotlight for this mod contact me and let me know so I can upload your video to this page! All recipes should be on Not Enough Items as I do not have pictures of recipes yet.

Mod Pack Policy

You are free to use this mod in your mod pack as long as the following are met.

    The proper credit is given to the mod creator.
    You are not making money off of the mod in any way.
    You have a link back to this page somewhere.


If you would like to contact me privately I have a steam which you can add me on. Or you could also just send my an email if you would like to.

Steam or Email: [email protected]





适用Minecraft 1.7


[1.7.10] Vanilla Enhancer Mod v1.8.6


About the author


安卓 ios windows10
