我的世界Minecraft Java版 22w11a 发布
我的世界java版已于近期发布最新版本22w11a,Java 版也要跳上荒野更新的快车道了!1.19 的第一个快照现已更新。快照的内容有青蛙、Deep Dark 和一堆新方块。我们也进入了 3D 定向音效的时代。与时俱进嘛!
22W11A 新增特性
Added the Deep Dark biome
加入了 Deep Dark 群系
Added Frogs & Tadpoles
Added mangrove blocks
Added mud and mud brick blocks
Added Sculk, Sculk Veins, Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Catalyst blocks
加入了 Sculk、Sculk Veins、Sculk Catalyst 和 Sculk Shrieker 方块
Added 3D Directional Audio option
加入了 3D 定向音效选项
22W11A 修复的漏洞
MC-67308 - Door top and side textures flip illogically when opened and closed
MC-67308 - 门的顶部和侧面材质在开关门时会发生不合理的翻转
MC-95103 - Shield item rendering not adjusted to the center
MC-95103 - 盾牌物品在渲染时没有对准中心
MC-99930 - Brewing stand extends arms and inverts its texture when bottles are placed
MC-99930 - 给酿造台挂上药水瓶后,支架会向外延伸且翻转纹理
MC-106510 - Long structure names (over 64 characters) do not fit in the Structure Block GUI
MC-106510 - 结构方块界面容不下过长(多于 64 字符)的结构名称
MC-109055 - Large Cocoa Pod texture is inconsistent
MC-109055 - 大可可果的纹理宽度不一致
MC-127885 - The textures on the spider models aren’t mirrored properly
MC-127885 - 蜘蛛模型的纹理没有正确地镜像
MC-158668 - Vex continue to attack their target after it has been killed
MC-158668 - 恼鬼会持续攻击已经死亡的目标
MC-165036 - Boss bars with the notched style are rendered incorrectly if more than one boss bar is active
MC-165036 - 使用了 notched 风格的 Boss 栏在有多个 Boss 栏活跃时渲染不正确
MC-165990 - Crafting bamboo into scaffolding gives you 8 times the furnace fuel for free
MC-165990 - 把竹子合成为脚手架后可提供 8 倍的额外燃料
MC-183309 - Player reach is different for client and server when crawling
MC-183309 - 爬行时客户端与服务端的玩家挖掘范围不同
MC-195717 - Custom Dimensions JSON Requires Seed
MC-195717 - 自定义维度 JSON 文件中种子为必填项
MC-201150 - Unused pixels in end rod texture
MC-201150 - 末地棒的纹理有未使用的像素
MC-202580 - Transition between end stone texture and end portal frame is not as seamless as it previously was
MC-202580 - 末地石和下界传送门框架的衔接处不像以前那样丝滑了
MC-219843 - Mycelium’s side texture differs from other dirt-based blocks
MC-219843 - 菌丝的侧面纹理与其它泥土系方块不同
MC-219852 - Corner in smoker_bottom texture is still rotated incorrectly
MC-219852 - smoker_bottom纹理边角的旋转角度不正确
MC-219875 - You can cause a desync when repeatably picking up liquids
MC-219875 - 重复取集液体可能导致不同步
MC-221639 - Light Block isn’t Dragon or Wither Immune
MC-221639 - 光源方块能被末影龙或凋零破坏
MC-225837 - The word “Recipe” is spelled as “Reciple” within the “narration.recipe” string
MC-225837 - “narration.recipe”字符串中“Recipe”被拼成了“Reciple”
MC-230603 - Wolf ears and legs aren’t mirrored
MC-230603 - 狼的耳朵和腿的材质没有镜像
MC-235964 - Crash on “Saving world” when F3+L profiling is active - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field “f” because “this.D” is null
MC-235964 - F3+L 性能分析中,在“保存世界中”时游戏会崩溃——java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "f" because "this.D" is null
MC-238070 - Brewing stand arms do not connect with their bases
MC-238070 - 酿造台支架和基座没有连在一起
MC-238807 - “Out of memory!” message is untranslatable
MC-238807 - 无法翻译“内存不足!”界面
MC-248936 - Minecraft icon on MacOS is not showing correct icon
MC-248936 - Minecraft 图标在 MacOS 上的显示不正确
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