Minecraft 基岩版
Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10/11、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。
Minecraft - 1.19.31 (Bedrock)
Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.31
A new update is available that addresses some issues that have occurred since the release of 1.19.30.
新版本发布,解决了 1.19.30 发布以来出现的一些问题。
As always, we appreciate all your help and input, please report any new bugs at bugs.mojang.com and leave your feedback feedback.minecraft.net .
一如既往地,感谢您的帮助和反馈,请在 bugs.mojang.com 报告漏洞,并在 feedback.minecraft.net 留下你的反馈。
As of October 5, 2022, players on the Xbox versions of Minecraft will begin receiving an update that improves game performance, alongside a few other changes. You can read more about this in our FAQ Article
自 2022 年 10 月 5 日起,Xbox 玩家将开始收到改进游戏性能的更新,同时还有一些其他的变更。可在 常见问题 了解到更多信息。
New Mobile Touch Controls:
Under Settings > (Controls) > Touch there is a new toggle entitled, Enable New Touch Controls Schemes. When toggled ON, a new Interaction Model dropdown menu will appear, allowing players to use the new Touch scheme, the new Crosshair scheme, or the original Classic scheme.
在 设置 > (控制) > 触摸控制 下有了一个新的按钮,启用新版触摸控制方案。启用时,将会展示一个新的交互模型菜单,允许玩家使用新的触摸控制方案,新的准星方案,或者继续使用旧方案。
Fixed several crashes that could occur during gameplay
Fixed terrain on Maps getting replaced with black pixels (MCPE-162421)
修复了地图上的地形被替换为黑色像素的问题 (MCPE-162421)
Fixed a bug that unbound the Inventory key when using the Full Keyboard Gameplay toggle
Fixed players sometimes spawning under the obsidian platform and falling into the void after entering an End Portal for the first time after the 1.19.30 update on Realms (MCPE-162482)
修复了 1.19.30 版本后, Realms 上玩家首次进入末地传送门后会生成在黑曜石平台下并掉入虚空的问题 (MCPE-162482)